Fenland and East Cambridgeshire Opportunity Area plan launched

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Social Mobility Plan

Pledging support and investment to improve overall social mobility and access to learning for all children and young people, the scheme aims to help tackle the barriers often faced by disadvantaged children, and raise their aspirations and future potential.

Working with local partners, parents, teachers and businesses, The Department for Education will work with local partners to focus on four key priorities for the Opportunity Area, in the hope of closing the gap between non-disadvantaged and disadvantaged children.

The key priorities are to:
Priority 1: Accelerate the progress of disadvantaged children and young people in the acquisition and development of communication, language and reading.

Priority 2: Strengthen the effectiveness of support for children and young people with mental health concerns and those with Special Educational Needs.

Priority 3: Raise aspiration and increase access for young people to a wide range of career choices and post-16 routes.

Priority 4: Recruit, develop and retain the best leaders and teachers in Fenland and East Cambridgeshire. This plan confirms the activities under each priority that we want to focus our funding and support on this year, how we will develop the plan in future years, and what we hope to achieve by 2021.

As part of our continued commitment to help drive change in the Opportunity Area, the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough LEP Signpost 2 Skills team will support the deliver of this strategy by working with our ‘cornerstone’ employers to bridge the gap between business and education. Ultimately the aim is to provide an understanding of business the demand, support collaboration, and to help engage and inspire the next generation, whilst improving their chances of employability.

You can download the full Social Mobility Delivery Plan here. 

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Small Business Grants

Small businesses already registered and trading in South Cambridgeshire are eligible to apply for grants of up to £5,000.

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