ISSUE NUMBER 22: Connectivity Special

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Covid-19: support for businesses – updated 14 May 2020

Keeping Everyone Connected

Connecting Cambridgeshire – Keeping Everyone Connected – Business Brief – May 2020

The Connecting Cambridgeshire digital connectivity programme, led by Cambridgeshire County Council, is working with businesses and communities across the county to keep everyone connected during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Keeping everyone connected

Covid-19 has made us all more reliant on phone networks and internet services to stay in touch, which is why they are designated as critical services by the Government.

It’s vital that people can keep connected when being asked to stay at home, work remotely and practise social distancing for health and safety. But getting fast, reliable internet access can be a challenge – particularly when several people want to go online at the same time.

Connecting Cambridgeshire is working to improve broadband and mobile coverage across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Their Enabling Digital Delivery service is supporting telecoms operators working on critical broadband and mobile networks, and can help to liaise with planners and streetworks.

They are also providing information for businesses and communities to help to keep everyone connected:


Most homes and businesses across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough can now upgrade to superfast broadband of at least 24Mbps (and often much faster).The fibre broadband rollout is continuing to fill remaining gaps in coverage as soon as possible, meanwhile there are a range of options to help people cope with poor broadband connections.

If you want to upgrade your broadband speed, visit the Connecting Cambridgeshire Getting Superfast webpage to check if you can get faster speeds and follow the steps to upgrade, or find out about the options available.

Check the Home Broadband Networks guide for advice for you and your employees on how to optimise your connectivity while working from home.


We’re working with Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority and network operators to improve mobile phone coverage and have put together a Quick Guide to help available from the mobile networks

Financial help for businesses

Rural Gigabit Vouchers worth up to £3,500 are available for small and medium-sized businesses with broadband speeds of less than 100Mbps to support the cost of installing new gigabit-capable connections with neighbouring premises. Businesses can club together to draw down multiple vouchers and minimise upgrade costs. Find out more at

Contact Us

If you need further advice on digital connectivity for your business and working from home during the Covid-19 outbreak, please email the Connecting Cambridgeshire team at stating your address, postcode, and situation

Useful links

Ofcom Tips for consumers to stay connected and Improving indoor coverage & setting up Wifi calling

National Cyber Security Centre Cyber Aware strategies to protect yourself online at this time.

Business Support Helpline 0300 456 3565

Free ACAS webinar ‘Coronavirus – an advisory webinar for employers’. Find out more

Read here for the latest public information and public health advice about COVID-19

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