Path to zero carbon knowledge exchange programme

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New series of online workshops to help businesses in the East of England become zero-carbon

The Eastern New Energy (ENE) project have funded ‘The Path to Zero Carbon’ series which takes place Wednesday 16 March – Friday 25 March -10:00am –12:00pm. There will be six online workshops of 2 hours each, and includes presentations, discussions and networking to support SMEs, charities and enterprises in their path to zero carbon. 

The workshops will provide you with the opportunity to understand your organisation’s carbon emissions and learn how to monitor them, to write a zero carbon policy, to develop a strategic approach, to draft an action plan, get buy-in within your organisation and find funding. You will also meet with other local professionals looking to reduce their carbon emissions and receive a free one-to-one support session.

View more about the event here: Eastern New Energy Path to Zero Knowledge Exchange leaflet

These fully funded workshops are available to eligible local organisations in the East of England.

The ENE project has received funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. For more information visit


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