Social Entrepreneur Festival launched at The Bradfield Centre

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The all-day event at the Bradfield Centre was organised by Social Entrepreneur Place, a forum for social impact small businesses

The goal was to network, and learn how to grow in a way that delivers positive social and/or environmental benefits.

“I wanted the Festival to be the start of good conversations and wanted to bring people together in person to meet after so long with events being all online,” said organiser Karen Leigh Anderson, who founded Social Entrepreneur Place, which has been based at The Bradfield Centre since 2019. “So the highlight of the day for me were the numerous conversations started between people who had not previously met and similarly the re-connections with people meeting in person for a change.

The event included a book launch: Seyi Akiwowo’s book called How to Stay Safe Online, published by Penguin, “stimulating discussion around the issues of finding one’s voice online and what boundaries to draw, how this affects children and politicians”.

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