Take your business plastic free this July

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Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution

Plastic Free July provides a chance for businesses to make positive changes and to connect plastic free choices with the values and aspirations of staff and customers. Your business can take the plastic free challenge for a day, a week, a month or as the start of a permanent change.

Some retailers chose it as the moment to switch from offering plastic bags to providing customers the option to reuse a box. Staff often enjoy challenging each other to switch to reusable water bottles and coffee cups every day.

Success depends upon clear communication with customers about what you’re doing, so they know to bring their own bag, mug, container, etc. Incorporating signage into your business is a great way to communicate the issues with customers, and reinforce your company’s values.

Want some tips to find out how you can reduce plastic waste? Click here

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