New Green Savings Calculator from O2

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UK businesses could benefit from millions of pounds in new savings and dramatically reduce their carbon footprint, thanks to a new green calculator from O2.

The new Green Savings Calculator uses details provided by individual businesses, including travel and office space arrangements, to help identify ways to save money and reduce carbon emissions from flexible working.

In trials, the calculator found an average potential annual saving of £2.6m for a company of 1,000 employees*. Overall, O2 calculated that it could provide a £53bn** annual saving for companies in the UK, at a time when employers are working hard to support UK workers through the COVID-19 pandemic.

While the pandemic initially drove UK businesses to support temporary home working, it is likely that flexible work is here to stay. O2 is already one of the biggest providers of flexible working technology and connectivity in the country, and the Green Savings Calculator, built by The Lab, powered by O2 and based on calculations by the Carbon Trust, is designed to help businesses plan for the longer term.

The new tool can be used to build the business case to invest in the digital tools, capability, and confidence to build back the UK economy in a sustainable and resilient way. The calculator looks at different savings sources across the business, including business travel reduction and longer-term initiatives like fleet and office rationalisation.

Companies including Hitachi Capital UK PLC are already signed up to the ongoing beta trial of the calculator, which could support thousands of businesses across the UK in becoming more flexible.

Try it for yourself – click here 

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