Zero Carbon Communities Grant

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Zero Carbon Communities Grant

Zero Carbon Communities Grant

The Zero Carbon Communities Grant Scheme supports communities in South Cambridgeshire to take action on climate change.

All eligible grant applications will be reviewed by the Grants Advisory Committee, who will make recommendations to the lead Cabinet Member for Finance for decision. We aim to let applicants know of the decision within 2 months of the application deadline.

Applications are invited for projects under 2 main themes – Carbon emission reduction or locking up carbon and Community engagement on climate change. Applicants are welcome to apply for more than one project, although it should be noted that allocation of funding will take into account the aim of achieving a good spread of funding across the district.

Project proposals will be scored and prioritised for funding based on how well the answers to the questions fulfil the objectives given for each theme. We really want the grant to stimulate wider engagement around what zero carbon means in each local community. Applications that show this are more than just publicity, they are something that will help change behaviour, for example through meetings and surveys, which are likely to be well received. For projects requesting more than £5,000 we would encourage applicants to seek part funding/in kind contributions in order to score highly.


Application deadline: 5pm Sunday 2 June 2024

Zero Carbon Communities Grant: Application Workshop

Come along to this online support session to hear details about the grant and get tips on making a strong application. Opportunity to discuss ideas and ask questions.


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