Peterborough-Based Firm Shares Signpost 2 Grant Success Story

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Based in Peterborough, GH Display Ltd is a specialist bespoke exhibition stands and displays business originally formed in 1976.

Offering a wide portfolio of modular, custom and self-build exhibition stands, as well as exhibition pop-ups, graphics and event branding, GH Display provide an all-encompassing event visual display service.

With a successful business built on product quality, word of mouth, flexibility and competitive delivery, GH Display were keen to preserve their reputation as an innovative and customer-focussed enterprise that continued to attract wide reaching business from high-profile brands and organisations.

How we helped

The company approached CPCA Growth Hub, a free business signposting service run by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority that connects businesses with the help, support and funding they need to grow.

In 2016, the team at GH Display identified a need to stay relevant with customers by addressing the key industry trends to enable them to increase their efficiencies and remain competitive.

They needed to:

  • Ensure they could offer fast turnaround times – keeping up with competitors.
  • Offer high-quality bespoke, sophisticated exhibitions stands – responding to the growing demands from their target customers.
  • Keep pace with new technologies by upgrading their print equipment – supporting the other two objectives.

In turn, they were hoping that the increase in business output would eventually lead to the employment of at least one new part-time role within the organisation.

To achieve these aims, they were looking to CPCA Growth Hub to help secure grant funding to support the purchase of an upgraded printer that would facilitate their business objectives.

Our CPCA Growth Hub Grants Team carefully considered their business case and was able to assess their eligibility for a grant from the Signpost 2 Grants fund. As this was funding for capital investment, they were entitled to make a claim for up to 20% of their total project cost to help fund the new printer – in this case a £3,000 project grant.

Results and Successes

The purchase of the new printer has enabled GH Display to successfully increase their print volumes and capacity, offering the more efficient, more competitive service they were aiming to deliver for their customers.

With growing demand for bespoke exhibition stands, the rate of growth has far exceeded their original projections. As a result, they have been able to create four new full-time positions, as well as the part-time position they were aiming for; creating new employment opportunities in the Peterborough area.

One of the full-time positions is a trainee role for a recent college leaver, demonstrating a real commitment to supporting local talent and upskilling in the workplace.

Jenny Hodson, Director of GH Display, said: “The significant growth of GH Display over the last 12-18 months has been really exciting. Investment in new printing technology has allowed us to offer the same high standard to our growing customer base at some of the most competitive prices available. The upturn in business has resulted in us growing the GH Display team and this in turn has allowed us to widen our service offering and product range.”

In addition, the boost in printing capacity coupled with rising demand has meant that the business has outgrown its existing premises. Continued growth thanks to the new printing has enabled the team to put in an offer on a new unit just opposite their existing one, allowing for very convenient additional capacity. This offer has now been accepted and GH Displays are looking forward to being able to accommodate the growing amount of orders and more complex product they are now commonly being asked to deliver. The opportunity to buy rather than rent represents a positive financial move.

Future Vision

The team are now focusing on the further development of their website, specifically ensuring that its supported with better SEO and keyword functionality to avoid the potential of losing business and taking a backward step by not keeping up with technology.

Jenny Hodson, Direct of GH Display, said: “The next natural step is for us to further increase the size of our operation by purchasing bigger premises, allowing us to meet the growing demand. Without the offer of the Signpost2Grow grant we would not have been able to make that all important capital investment that has been the catalyst for the growth of GH Display.”

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