When it comes to website copywriting…

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Even when you’re not actively marketing your product or service your website is constantly active, allowing potential customers to view your items; that is why it is crucial to make the right impression when creating content. That can be quite a daunting task. The key is to keep things simple; since most people when searching for something on the internet want to find the information as quickly as possible.

So, here’s a few tips on how to keep your website simple but effective.

Tip #1 Be clear and concise

When was the last time you read every page of a website? Or read a whole article for that matter? The majority of website visitors don’t read every page of a site or even all the content. That means first impressions count. Create clear headlines that are concise and enticing. Headlines are also a great place for implementing keywords or key topics to benefit your readers.

Tip #2 Maintain your style

It is important, when designing and creating content for your website, that you decide on a style right from the beginning and stick to it throughout. It would not be effective to have a different style for separate pages of a website; this would only confuse your visitors. A strong and clear style will be easier for visitors for remember for future reference.

Tip #3 Divide up information

Effective copywriting is not just about the number of words on a site; the organisation of these words is just as important. Long, information-saturated paragraphs are dense and hard to scan, breaking up your text into digestible chunks. It will make your readers lives much easier. Dividing these chunks up with clear sub-headings that tell the reader what the paragraph is about is also helpful. Bullet points are also a great way to provide the key information in a quick and understandable format.

Tip #4 Who, what, where, when and why?

Using these five words as your template can help you achieve good website content. This is the same style as newspaper writing and allows you to include all of the essential information that people will be searching for. Once you have covered these areas, the ‘how’ will make up the rest of the content.

Tip #5 Keywords

The use of keywords is a very common procedure when it comes to websites. Consider the keywords most relevant to your page and think of ways to include them in the title and body of your article. This will make it easier for people browsing the Internet to come across your website.

Tip #6 Hyperlinking

Remember, when writing copy for your website, don’t overload your reader with vast amounts of information. If a person is overloaded with information they tend to switch off and either scan through the rest of the text or not bother to read it at all. Hyperlinks are a great way to provide more information to readers without bogging them down with reams of content. For example, if you refer to something on your website but do not want to explain the details, simply link the word or sentence to another site or article that does provide further explanation.

Tip #7 Use of multimedia

People retain information or content in different ways, some people are content with just reading information and comprehending it others need either graphics or videos to be able to understand information. By using multimedia forms, you will be able to grab the reader’s attention and, if the media is spread through the text make them want to read on.

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